Shout out to the Sponsors!

Without you, this adventure wouldn't be possible!

Sponsors of the month!

More and more people are signing up to sponsor Levi for a small amount. Of course, we are super happy about this, and we want to honor these people with a mention on the website!
  • Hart voor Humor
  • M.van de Wall
  • K.M. Juipers
  • M. Mos
  • BVB Bouwsupport
  • Peter van Dale
We would also like to give a special thanks to Quirine van Nootdorp NU for the interview with Levi that they published in their June edition (page 17)!

Club of 100!

  • Ron and Monique
  • Robert and Chantal Lamers
  • Mickey en Ronald van Gasteren
  • Manon en Roderick de Jong

Corporate Sponsors